Initially conceived by Director Daniel Simpson as a means of exploring the traditional stop frame camera techniques of animation, Luxor Films primarily concentrated on the production of 'Art House' short films and Film Festival material. As runners up to Aardman Animations production 'A Close Shave' featuring Wallace and Gromit in the 1996 British Animation Awards, they then diversified into live action material that still however possessed an integral animated core.
Collaborations in Simpson's team resulted in various awards and prizes, including 2nd prize in the category of Best Computer Assisted Animation at the 5th Los Angeles World Animation Festival in 1997, and also that year an Honorary Distinction for Best Animation at the 3rd Drama International short film festival, amongst others.
By cutting their teeth on this material, original team member D.O.P Mark Sewell and Scenopgrapher Adam Cutts, have re-focused on the shorter medium of the pop promo, along with the even more compact format of the Advertising Commercial and Broadcast Ident.
Maintaining their love of model making based traditional stop frame animation, their intention is to mix and match this medium with live action sequences in order to commercially and creatively expand and explore territory previously given a fairly niche category.